Niland Family Resource Center
We provide services as follow:
- Department of Social Services, Cal-Works, Children & Family Services & Eligibility Worker (AFDC, Medi-Cal, Food Stamps)
- Residential Energy Assistance Discount Applications
- Housing & Rental Assistance Applications
- USDA Commodities referral /Brown Bag / Food distribution for seniors
- Parenting Classes
- Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum (Elementary School & JR. High Students)
- Health & Violence Education Presentations & Health Fairs
- Link Between Residents & County Agencies
- Referrals to County Agencies
- Case Management Services
- Mentoring Program
- Niland Fire Department food pantry (emergency food)
- Resources / referrals for parents of children with disabilities
- Emergency Energy Assistance Payment (EEAP)
- Telephone services to answer concerns and provide referrals
- Filling out of forms/documents
- Employment Services (One Stop )
Niland Family Resource Center
8027 Highway 111 / P.O. Box 268
Niland, CA 92257
8027 Highway 111 / P.O. Box 268
Niland, CA 92257
Phone: (760) 359-0150
Fax: (760) 359-0132
Fax: (760) 359-0132
Mon. - Wed. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Maria Murga, Coordinator