Its sweaty hot, the kind where you're in a constant shower. The only relief is somewhere with air conditioning. So with no restaurants open, or a quickie stop at the local market
You trudge through your day with tasks to do and life to live.
This isn't pleasant for most people though the brave and hardy souls who inhabit the desert year round seem to exude the utmost optimism that their day will conclude and that they’ll sleep OK.
But sure enough, in the month of august, southern moisture creeps north and changes the weather. So instead of a usual 80 or 90 degrees, you have to sleep in 110-degree weather. You'll toss and turn, Sleeping in your own sweat until you wake up. A true test of endurance and fortitude I assure you. Fortunately this condition usually lasts only 6 weeks out of a year. Southern temperatures in California
From April to July is mostly dry heat. Winter temperatures are very moderate with the town of calipat
Reporting , where the sun spends the winter.
Visitors to southern California in the winter can expect mostly sunny, 70 to 80 temperatures and lots of places to explore. The desert is a vast expanse of endless wonder. From seeing a real hawk or vulture, to finding a real fire agate, or scaling magnificent mountains. You can always seek a natural wonder.
My favorite thing about the desert is the views, sunsets in particular. They can be the most awe inspiring, breath taking thing you'll ever see.