Imperial Valley College 380 E. Aten Road
PO Box 158 Imperial, CA 92251 Phone: (760) 355-6217 Fax: (760) 355-2663
.us Workforce Development Center
Phone: (760) 355-6480
Fax: (760) 355-6172
¨ Certificates in career programs ¨ Associate in Arts
degree ¨ Associate in Science degree
¨ Workforce
Development Center
¨ Satellite One-Stop
Employment Services
¨ Small Business
Development Center
¨ Customer Service
Related pages
¨ CalWORKs
¨ One Stop Services
¨ Small Business
Development Center
As part of the California Community
College system, IVC offers educational
opportunities that can lead to
Associates degrees or program
certificates. Both college transfer and
vocational programs are offered in a
variety of subject areas. Imperial
Valley College is a valuable source for
hiring and training employees. It also
provides customized training designed
to fit an employer’s specific needs.
Courses are offered at the main
campus, and Extended Centers in
Brawley, Calexico and El Centro, and
by arrangement at the employer’s site.
IVC has an enrollment of 8,172
students (spring semester ’02) and in
2000-01 graduated 423 students with
degrees and certificates.
Employment Resources
IVC is a resource for employers and
employees as well as interns who work
for college credit. Placement assistance
offered through the IVC Workforce
Development Center includes:
¨ Job Development and Placement
¨ Work-Study
¨ Cooperative Work Experience
¨ Satellite One Stop Employment
¨ Resume Development
The College offers vocational
certificates in the following areas:
¨ Agricultural Business Management
¨ Administration of Justice
¨ Automotive Technology
¨ Computer Skills
¨ Business Office Technologies
¨ Business Management
¨ Nursing
¨ Early Childhood Education
¨ Emergency Medical Technician
¨ Environmental Technology
¨ Welding
A complete list of certificates and
majors can be found in the General
Catalog or the website.
IVC’s Small Business Development
Center is available to assist expanding,
relocating, or start-up businesses with a
wide variety of technical assistance
services as well as strategic planning.
IVC has also joined other community
colleges around the state in presenting a
comprehensive customer service-training
program. The Customer
Service Academy at IVC is designed to
enhance customer service skills and
support economic development.