Imperial County Office of Education
1398 Sperber Raod
El Centro Ca. 92243
Migrant Education
Call the national hotline for migrant families
Migrant education helps students meet standards for student achievement through educational instruction in health services. It is the purpose of region six to ensure that migrant children are provided with appropriate educational services including supportive services that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner and design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health related problems and other factors that inhibit the ability of the children to do well in school. The program's help prepare the children to make a successful transition to post secondary education or employment.
Migrant Education Fund
The office of migrant education of the US Department of Education funds the Migrant Education Program. The California plan for education of migrant children provides supplementary educational services to children of migrant agriculture workers as well as those working in logging, fishing, and other migratory agricultural related activities.
Eligibility criteria:
To qualify for migrant education services, a migrant child must have moved within the past three years across state boundaries with a migrant parent or guardian, to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture fishing or food processing activity. A child may establish eligibility on his or her own if he or she meets established criteria. The child may be in any grade between preschool and twelfth grade and must not be older than 21, has not graduated from high school or has not obtained a high school equivalency certificate. Identified migrant students are served based on the students demonstrated needs for academic instruction in language, math, reading, and classroom progress.
Delivery of instructional services:
Services are delivered to eligible migrant students through school districts in variety of instructional programs and settings : after school programs, Saturday programs, tutorial programs, and summer school. The following services are available:
Migrant Education Even Start
Migrant Child Development Centers
Reading Recovery
Mini Corp
Summer Programs
Summer English Immersion
Work study programs
Migrants Engaged In New Themes In Education
Portable Assisted Study Sequence Program
Migrants Out Of School Recovery Inhancement Program
U S DA Summer Food program
Parent Involvement
Health Services
Teacher Preparation Programs
If you know a migrant family who could benefit from these services please refer them to:
Migrant Education Program
Jaime Silva, Director
(760) 312-6451