Center for Family Solutions Of Imperial Valley
For additional information about the Center For Family Solutions Anger Management Group's
Call the office 760-353-6922
Center First Family Solutions
P.O. Box 2219
El Centro California, 92244
Teen Anger Management group's
Classes to help teens deal with feelings of anger and violence
The ProblemDomestic violence is defined as the use of physical abuse in an intimate relationship. It can also include emotional and sexual abuse, in addition to other behaviors a person may use to control a partner. 4,000,000 women are battered annually in the United States, every nine seconds a woman becomes a victim of violence. 1/3 of the homicides in this country are connected to episodes of domestic violence. National statistics demonstrate that from 1/3 to 1/2 of all women in America experience violence in their intimate relationships. In addition to beatings battering can involve threats of violence, verbal abuse, and or sexual assaults. Victims of domestic violence often feel isolated, powerless, afraid and guilty, as well as dependent financially or physically. Domestic abuse can leave victims feeling trapped and helpless. Children are present during 80% of the assaults against their mothers. Children who learn violence at home are likely to form violent relationships as adults they may become batterers or victims. Domestic violence has profound and long term effects on children. Spousal or partner abuse is a crime in California a batter can be sent to prison.The ResponseThe center for family solutions is a private, nonprofit corporation founded in 1977 to serve the men and women and their children in the Imperial Valley who are victims of domestic violence. No community is free of this kind of violence, our shelter provides temporary safety and emotional support to victims. Our staff can fill their immediate needs in a variety of ways through gifts of food and clothing, housing and emergency services, including legal advocacy and referrals for counseling, training, and educational services. Abusers are confronted and protective orders are issued. Laws have been helpful in curbing violent episodes, and services provided by the center for family solutions and other agencies have been able to provide effective of emergency responses, but in spiteof these efforts the violence continues. Ultimately it is the abusers themselves who can stop the violence. People who batter must make personal decisions to stop this behavior. Men need to understand the origins of their violence against women and commit to ending it in their lives. Most men who hit in anger or frustration will do so again, and very often their abusive behavior will escalate until someone intervenes or they are arrested,
The Anger Management GroupsThe center for family solutions anger management group's employ an educational curricula which challenges the beliefs and behavior of men who batter women. The curriculum called Power and Control Tactics of Men who Batter, creates a process in which dialog provides an opportunity through lectures, classes, videos, and group discussions for men to think critically and reflectively about their use of violence, and relationships.
Anger often causes Jealousy Blaming others for their faults Blaming circumstances for problems Unpredictable behavior Belittling partners verbally Out of control behavior Remorse Declarations and promises Efforts to resolve problems with violence Feelings of guilt Use of alcohol or drugs Closed mindedness-there is only one way | The Curriculum Consists Of Twelve Topics:Introduction of the teen violence prevention program and center for family solutions Roots of violence Socialization of men and women Chemical dependency Dating violence Being hurt by violence Sexual harassment Anger management Conflict resolution Building good relationships Each theme is examined from three perspectives. Integrated into the eight themes are strategies of learning non controlling behavior, including taking time outs or cool downs, recognizing angered cues, using positive self talk, acknowledging women's fear, using assertive behavior, accepting cues,communicating feelings and thoughts,letting go, and fair fighting. |