On Jealousy,
I would be a liar if I said I was never jealous. not the type where I am jealous of someone stealing a spouse or girl friend. The type where you see someone who seems to have it all. Money,Fame,Power. And you think Oh how I wish I was there. How nice it would be to never have to worry about money, or to be able to do what you want and when. Go where you choose any time you feel like it. But then I read about those who do have it all. And they wind up in the slammer with a dead wife like OJ Simpson, or they take their own life Like Robbin Williams. Perhaps they become drug addicts. Some lock themselves away in compounds which seem like wonderful places, but become a form of prison which they are afraid to leave, because of the press, or have such notoriety that everyone knows who they are. Constantly being asked for an autograph. Though it's a nice place it still becomes a prison. They start to feel like they cannot go anywhere anonymously and just be part of the crowd. It can be hard to accept ones lot in life. To be considered mediocre. Just another person in a sea of people. But I have learned that though I might not be famous or loved by millions lol that I can be happy. I can wake up and make choices which reflect my desires and goals. That each day though sometimes a bit dreary, I have the ability to still choose. Sometimes that choice is something silly, stay in bed half the day. Or spend 12 hours at a keyboard lol. Other times I am up before dawn out the door and off to see something i have never seen before. So I think to myself when I have these jealous feelings, your being a stupid old man Gary. Instead of being grateful for what you do have, your wallowing in a form of self pity which serves no purpose. You have been given gifts others do not have. Some are actually jealous of you for what you do have. Clarity of self perception. That would seem to be the ticket. Be grateful for what you do have, and happy with that. Shut out the very human but self destructive feelings of why don't I have what they do. The reality is that sometimes I am probably better off. That my faults are what they are. That who I am is ok and that my life though not grand is still something special. That God made me to fill a spot in the grand scheme of things which suits his purpose. That it is ok to be who and what i am. And then give thanks for that. Because I could be living in an alley somewhere, cold and freezing. Crying out at night Why Me?.
So i give thanks, today. it is ok to just be-Gary
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Solar Really Is The Way Of The Future,
Roughly 100 years ago the automobile was invented. The first one was funky with not much more power than a good bicycle. But over time it was refined, re engineered and became the modern miracle we know today which drives our economy. Horse use became history. But initally there was big resistance to this new fangled idea. Everyone who used horses would laugh and say that thing will never replace a good horse. Within a really short period of time though, stables and the local stable boys were out of business. Reality?- they found other work. Some probably became auto mechanics. Today the world is at a cross roads. this marvelous technological invention is polluting the atmosphere so badly that scientists tell us the world as we know it could end. The use of coal and oil for power is ruining the environment.
15 years ago i had bought a set of used solar panels. Used because new they were very expensive and truthfully not very efficient. They served me fairly well though and supplied me with about 1/2 of my daily power needs. Recently since I decided to live a more frugal lifestyle i decided to re invest in some new solar panels. They cost me about $600 after taxes for 2 fairly large panels. The Shocker?, these two units which cost about 1/2 of a decent gasoline powered generator are giving me sometimes more power than I use in a day. Obviusly it has helped to use more efficient light bulbs and I went to a laptop instead of a desktop. Cailifornia has gone ahead and started using it's deserts and available rooftops to install solar panels and wind generators. They are beginning to show up everywhere. The republicans and conservatives who keep battling to keep this from happening remind me of the stable boys who didn't want the automobile. They are trying to protect industries which will and should become like the horse of old. GONE. Technological advancement is pointless unless you use it.
And listen up coal and oil states-YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY TO MAKE MONEY!. People always do. And you will be helping to protect the planet far into the future.
At what I paid for these 2 panels-if I used a gasoline engine, EVEN AT $2 a gallon THE PANELS PAY FOR THEMSELVES IN 3 MONTHS. Thats right 3 months.
At an estimated lifespan of 30 years that means I will have FREE POWER for longer than I will live. NO JOKE OR BS HERE. They are far more efficient even on cloudy days than they ever where. Good enough to be used even in cloudy states. This is from someone who OWNS SOME. Not a salesman, no need to make this up. Perhaps the only thing I really agreed with where Obama is concerned. If you own a home you can get tax credits to install them. A simple devise now called an inverter takes there 12 volt ouput and turns it into the 120 to drive your home. And any excess is put back into the power grid.
it is time to join the 21rst century if you haven't yet. If for any reason other than the above, to help save our planet for future generations!-Gary
15 years ago i had bought a set of used solar panels. Used because new they were very expensive and truthfully not very efficient. They served me fairly well though and supplied me with about 1/2 of my daily power needs. Recently since I decided to live a more frugal lifestyle i decided to re invest in some new solar panels. They cost me about $600 after taxes for 2 fairly large panels. The Shocker?, these two units which cost about 1/2 of a decent gasoline powered generator are giving me sometimes more power than I use in a day. Obviusly it has helped to use more efficient light bulbs and I went to a laptop instead of a desktop. Cailifornia has gone ahead and started using it's deserts and available rooftops to install solar panels and wind generators. They are beginning to show up everywhere. The republicans and conservatives who keep battling to keep this from happening remind me of the stable boys who didn't want the automobile. They are trying to protect industries which will and should become like the horse of old. GONE. Technological advancement is pointless unless you use it.
And listen up coal and oil states-YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY TO MAKE MONEY!. People always do. And you will be helping to protect the planet far into the future.
At what I paid for these 2 panels-if I used a gasoline engine, EVEN AT $2 a gallon THE PANELS PAY FOR THEMSELVES IN 3 MONTHS. Thats right 3 months.
At an estimated lifespan of 30 years that means I will have FREE POWER for longer than I will live. NO JOKE OR BS HERE. They are far more efficient even on cloudy days than they ever where. Good enough to be used even in cloudy states. This is from someone who OWNS SOME. Not a salesman, no need to make this up. Perhaps the only thing I really agreed with where Obama is concerned. If you own a home you can get tax credits to install them. A simple devise now called an inverter takes there 12 volt ouput and turns it into the 120 to drive your home. And any excess is put back into the power grid.
it is time to join the 21rst century if you haven't yet. If for any reason other than the above, to help save our planet for future generations!-Gary
Yes It's Christmas :)
One of my hardest times of the year is coming. And that is Christmas. Not because I I do not find it a joyous occasion. But because It always makes me so very sad knowing how many are suffering in very real ways everyday. So many will not know the love of God or have a simple holiday meal. They will be sleeping in alleys, making due in the frigid cold. Some will have no blanket. Some no food at all. To them the idea of a savior or the promise of eternal salvation will mean little. Their only concern will be trying to stay alive just one more day.
So every Christmas I try to find someone to help in some way. Some years I have walked down the streets and given people money. Not lots, I don't have that. Usually it,s a $5 bill so that they can get a cup of coffee and sandwich. I don't care if they spend it on booze, or even a hit of dope if thats what they need to get through another day. Sometimes it's a small package left at a door with an annoumous wish. Or a toy for a child I know will not get one. There lives perhaps are self induced. Some wind up there through no fault of there own. It doesn't matter. Some say to me your not helping them Gary your just provocating there own problems. i smile and say perhaps. But I know what it feels like to have nothing. i know what it,s like to be at a point in life where no one seems to care. One day isn't going to change anything for them, except perhaps to realize that God cares. They will never know my name or who I am. It isn't about the desire for gratitude or even to make me feel better. It is about the celebration of the birth of the son of God. And that they are loved. Even if if they do not know it. It is a small gesture, one I hope will have a postive effect. If not thats ok, because it's Christmas. Every year I make a plea, a plea that in your joy that you would help someone in need. Find someone who goes without, take some time and perhaps a little money and help them. $5 to the guy trying to bum money on the freeway. A small gift to a needy family. That is Gods way, and the way Christ would have us be. I hope you will -Gary
So every Christmas I try to find someone to help in some way. Some years I have walked down the streets and given people money. Not lots, I don't have that. Usually it,s a $5 bill so that they can get a cup of coffee and sandwich. I don't care if they spend it on booze, or even a hit of dope if thats what they need to get through another day. Sometimes it's a small package left at a door with an annoumous wish. Or a toy for a child I know will not get one. There lives perhaps are self induced. Some wind up there through no fault of there own. It doesn't matter. Some say to me your not helping them Gary your just provocating there own problems. i smile and say perhaps. But I know what it feels like to have nothing. i know what it,s like to be at a point in life where no one seems to care. One day isn't going to change anything for them, except perhaps to realize that God cares. They will never know my name or who I am. It isn't about the desire for gratitude or even to make me feel better. It is about the celebration of the birth of the son of God. And that they are loved. Even if if they do not know it. It is a small gesture, one I hope will have a postive effect. If not thats ok, because it's Christmas. Every year I make a plea, a plea that in your joy that you would help someone in need. Find someone who goes without, take some time and perhaps a little money and help them. $5 to the guy trying to bum money on the freeway. A small gift to a needy family. That is Gods way, and the way Christ would have us be. I hope you will -Gary
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Live Like A Spartan, America Home Of The Brave
I collected some stats below to help make this point: Man has been killing Man since the dawn of time. Freedom and Liberty is wonderful, but liberty involves risk. The risk that one day you might lose it. Freedom and liberty mean facing risk. The risk that you might die, from a gun, a foreign enemy, an angry neighbor, or even a loose tiger. You are 100 times more likely to be killed in a car crash than from a gun,terrorist, or foreign enemy. In the 50's we had Mccarthyism you low life demon style commi scum. Today communism is almost dead. There never was even a war. But people were persecuted and even imprisoned over an idea. EVERY time there is a threat someone wants to protect you. They want to take away your guns,your knives,your right to travel freely,your right to privacy. Pretty soon there will no longer be any freedom. Because no one can really protect you. More people die in car crashes than any other reason in America, from guns to disease. Do we ban cars?
Of course not. Do we ban rocks? no. Should we ban the internet no.
We have to accept the fact that people die everyday for MANY reasons. And no government has ever stopped that. No government can protect you from that.
Of course not. Do we ban rocks? no. Should we ban the internet no.
We have to accept the fact that people die everyday for MANY reasons. And no government has ever stopped that. No government can protect you from that.
If you really want to be free
You must accept the FACT that someone might kill you.
But to ensure real liberty, your government must also understand.
You must accept the FACT that someone might kill you.
But to ensure real liberty, your government must also understand.
There are risks, no one can protect you from everything, and taking things away lessons your liberty, doesn't really ensure or guarantee anything.
We can help lesson risk, with judicious and cautious approach.
But to eliminate it no, not unless you want to live in a cage.
But to eliminate it no, not unless you want to live in a cage.
And then one day you'll die anyway.
Face life fearlessly, be a Spartan, and if your day does come, at least you lived and died like an American. Home of the brave and the free.
Records indicate that there has been a total of 3,613,732 motor vehicle deaths in the United States from 1899 to 2013.
This statistic shows the death rate for homicide in the U.S. from 1950 to 2013. In 1950, there were 5.1 deaths by homicide per 100,000 resident population in the United States.
American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph ... we found that from 2001 to 2013, 406,496 people died by firearms on U.S. soil.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
On Being A Grand Parent
When I Was A Boy,
A kind and white haired man would take my hand. we would go fishing, take boat rides, talk for hours, argue about the finer points of life. If I was in trouble he was there to help. If I needed he gave. There was never equivocation he just loved me. As his first grandson I enjoyed a certain privilege. I knew it smile emoticon but he never ever made an issue out of anything. Almost 20 years later I miss him immensely. I still see his face, his way and kind manner towards me. Today I do not get the chance to be this person for someone else. It is sometimes sad to me. It is a wonderful thing to be someone so special in someone else's life. If your lucky enough to be a grand parent who sees's their grandchild, you've been given a privilege.
Cherish It heart emoticon
A kind and white haired man would take my hand. we would go fishing, take boat rides, talk for hours, argue about the finer points of life. If I was in trouble he was there to help. If I needed he gave. There was never equivocation he just loved me. As his first grandson I enjoyed a certain privilege. I knew it smile emoticon but he never ever made an issue out of anything. Almost 20 years later I miss him immensely. I still see his face, his way and kind manner towards me. Today I do not get the chance to be this person for someone else. It is sometimes sad to me. It is a wonderful thing to be someone so special in someone else's life. If your lucky enough to be a grand parent who sees's their grandchild, you've been given a privilege.
Cherish It heart emoticon
Monday, November 9, 2015
Gary Graefen: What Love Is
To some love seems to be someone who gives you an orgasmic rush every now and again. But real love is a memory, of moments when someone made you laugh uncontrollably. Or you see their photo and have warm thoughts. Or a simple expression they use. Every time you hear it, you think of them. Love is a connection of the mind, first and foremost. When I think of women I have loved, I don't see a sex act. I remember a smile, a way of thinking, a genuine desire to share a hug, a soft whisper, l love YOU, and a promise, I will never forget♥
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The Fountain Of Youth Spa And Mobile Home Park
Fountain of Youth Spa In Imperial Valley Ca. |
The Spas are located at 10249 Coachella canal rd. off HWY 111. This is 15 miles north of the town of Niland.The major feature is hot springs which are natural. Many health benefits are attributed to the use of these spas. There is RV parking. The spas feature a grocery store,4 hydro pools,2 swimming pools,Natural steam room,a cafe,4 recreation halls,Bingo,horseshoes,Bocca,Square&Line dancing,Pool tables Desert golf, Rental units, and a beauty shop. Facilities are clean and their are many activities. Churches of major faiths are available. Call (760) 354-1340 Fountain Of Youth Site |
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Photos Of Plaster City Of Imperial Valley
Plaster City is an unincorporated community in Imperial County in the U.S. state of California.[1] It is located 17 miles (27 km) west of El Centro,[2] at an elevation of 105 feet (32 m).[1]
United States Gypsum operates a large gypsum quarry and plant there and owns the town.[2] Plaster City has been noted for itsunusual place name.[3] It is the site of the last industrial narrow gauge railroad in the United States. The 3 ft (914 mm) gauge line runs north to a gypsum quarry and brings gypsum from the quarry to the plant.[4][5]
Plaster City is located at 32°47′33″N 115°51′31″W west of El Centro, California.
The first post office at Plaster City opened in 1924.[2]
The ZIP Code is 92251. The community is inside area code 760.
A Desert Poem
The Desert Imagine,
if you will, my friend, A scene - or at least try It may entertain you, So please spare me some time: A desert - it stands silent, A witness to its cold; Within it many travelers, Each a faceless weary soul. The terrain is fraught with danger, For the night has no remorse; And in this dark assassin, The travelers plot a course. Some seem rather timid, And unsure of their steps; Clinging to each other, They wander in the depths. Some shout independence, And go the course alone; But in the biting sandstorms, Their eyes plead for a home. Others still - they rally, For a well-known path; Little do they realize, It's a path that leads to death. This setting seems morbid, And anything but right; But imagine if you will, These cold, unforgiving nights. This desert has no daytime, Just a night as cold as ice; The desert drains these travelers- You can see it in their eyes. But, back to our story For the dream is not done yet; There are many souls to see, Who shiver through their sweat. The moon it casts its silent eye, Unblinking o'er it all; Somehow a witness to everything, Yet seeing nothing at all. Under it lie travelers, As far as the eye can see; From east to west, north to south, They press on silently. Some of them seem haunted, And starving half to death; While others still walk terrified- At each and every breath. Yet one or two seem confident, And - even stranger still - They trek on unaffected, By the desert's countless ills.
A Desert Oasis
The sand is cast into their face, The winds - chill them down deep; Yet even in the midst of it, They somehow hold their keep. In their eyes burns a fire, That no desert wind can chill; Inside them lies a secret, That moves them as it will. They try to pass this fire, To all those that they meet; In their trek across the desert, Which they strive on to complete. Though many there will see the flames, Few will feel its glow; They'll push the travelers away, For reasons they'll not know. Some cannot accept the help, For their pride runs too deep; Others claim they've found their flame, In candles, tired and weak. Others can't accept the warmth- That would warm them from within; They want a physical fire- Though it would perish in the wind. Whatever their reasons be, Some travelers reject the gift; How then can they marvel, When they're finally let adrift? Yet this band of travelers, With their ceaseless flame; Press on one by one, unique, Yet somehow all the same. Many enter that desert, Many wander among its sands; But that band of inner torchbearers, Are the ones who understand. They are given the exit, And assured of their escape; They are provided such knowledge, From the source of their strange flame. Now let us leave this desert, For tonight we've seen our fill; The travelers still wandering- Through that lonely desert still. Friend, you many wonder, What the point of this could be... Such a strange, long story- With no purpose plain to see. Well then, let me tell you- Among those travelers I told- Lie you and I and everyone The world has ever known. You may not believe it, But you must admit it's right; That you too have felt the desert- The sand and winds of night. Now it's not much longer, Till I send you on your way- It's a long hard journey, And I'd hate to make you stay. Imagine if you will, my friend, We're in that desert, cold- The night stretched all around us- And it chills the very soul. All we know is searching, Trying to find an escape- And unless we find it... The desert claims our fate. I don't know about you, But I think I know the way- You're welcome to walk with me, Follow - If you may. If you accept my offer, friend, You may walk by our side; But warm yourself, forever, first- Take this fire we hold - inside.
A Desert Oasis
A Desert Poem
Stories of the Desert Fathers
Stories of the Desert Fathers
Knowing oneself
A brother in Scetis committed a fault. A council was called to which Moses was invited, but he refused to go to it. Then the priest sent someone to him, saying, "Come, for everyone is waiting for you". So he got up and went. He took a sack, filled it with sand and cut a small hole at the bottom and carried it on his shoulders. The others came out to meet him and said, "What is this, father" The Abba said to them, "My sins run out behind me, and I do not see them, and today I am coming to judge the errors of another" When they heard that, they said no more to the brother but forgave him.
There were two old men who dwelt together for many years and who never quarreled. Then one said to the other: "Let us pick a quarrel with each other like other men do. "I do not know how quarrels arise," answered his companion. So the other said to him: "Look, I will put a brick down here between us and I will say "This is mine." Then you can say "No it is not, it is mine." Then we will be able to have a quarrel." So they placed the brick between them and the first one said: "This is mine." His companion answered him: "This is not so, for it is mine." To this, the first one said: "If it is so and the brick is yours, then take it and go your way." And so they were not able to have a quarrel. Wisdom in suffering A certain Abba became very seriously ill and he lost much blood. One of the brethren had some dried prunes, and because of the severe illness of Abba, he cooked a little food and put the prunes in it, and brought it to him and entreated him saying, "Father do me an act of grace and take a little of this stew, for perhaps it will do you good." Abba lifted up his eyes and looked at him and said, "In what part of the Scriptures has you found this thing? Truly I have wished that God would leave me in this illness for the last thirty years, for when I am weak, then am I strong"; and the Abba although he was grievously sick, would not take even a little of the food, and when the brother saw this he took it and went back to his cell.
It was said of Abba Silvanus that at Scetis he had a disciple called Mark whose obedience was great. He was a scribe. The Abba loved him because of his obedience. He had eleven other disciples who were hurt because he loved him more than them. When they knew this, the elders were sorry about it and they came one day to him to reproach Abba about it. Taking them with him, he went to knock at each cell, saying, "Brother so and so, come here; I need you," but none of them came immediately. Coming to Mark"s cell, he knocked and said, "Mark." Hearing the Abba"s voice, he jumped up immediately and the Abba sent him off to serve and said to the elders, "Fathers, where are the other brothers?" Then he went into Mark's cell and picked up his book and noticed that he had begun to write the letter "omega" ["w"] but when he had heard Abba's command, he did not even finish it. Then the elders said, "Truly, Abba, he whom you love, we love too and God loves him."
Abba Macarius used to say to the brethren in Scete, "When mass is ended inthe church, flee, my brothers." And one of the brethren said to him, "Father, in this solitude where to, can we further flee?" And he laid his finger upon his mouth saying, "This is what I would have you flee." And so he would go into his cell and shut the door and there sit alone.
Compassion of God
There were two monks who committed a very serious sin when they went to the village to sell their wares. But they were wise enough not to let the devil trick them into discouragement and so they came back to the desert and went to the Abba to confess their sins. To ease them into theirconversion, they were asked to go and live on their own for one month on bread and water, to pray and do penance. When the time was over, Abba himself came over to reunite them with the disciples. However he was very surprised because one came out grim, downcast, pale while the other was radiant, buoyant and brisk. "What did you meditate upon?" Abba asked. The sad monk answered : "I thought constantly on the punishment which I merit and the justice of God". The happy monk answered : "Well, I used to remind myself constantly the mercy of God and the love which Jesus Christ had for the sinner." Both of them were joyfully accepted back in the community but Abba remarked on the wisdom of the brother who kept his mind fixed on the compassion of God. Love excuses Some old men went to Abba Poemen and asked, "If we see brothers sleeping during the synaxis [common prayer], should we wake them?" Abba Poemen answered, "If I see my brother sleeping, I will put his head on my knees and let him rest." Then one old man spoke up, "And how do you explain yourself before God?" Abba Poemen replied, "I say to God: You have said, "First take the beam out of your own eye and then you will be able to remove the splinter from the eye of your brother."
A brother questioned Abba Poemen, 'My thoughts trouble me, making me put my sins aside, and concern myself with my brother's faults'. Abba so told him the following story about Abba Dioscorus. 'In his cell he wept and wept over himself, while his disciple was sitting in another cell. When thelatter came to see him, he asked him, "Father, why are you weeping?" "I am weeping over my sins," he answered him. Then his disciple said, "You do not have any sins, Father." Abba replied, "Truly, my child, if I were allowed to see my sins, three or four men would not be enough to weep for them." Forgiveness A brother who was insulted by another brother came to Abba Sisoes, and said to him: "I was hurt by my brother, and I want to avenge myself". Abba tried to console him and said: "Don't do that, my child. Rather leave vengeance to God". But he said: "I will not quit until I avenge myself". Then Abba said: "Let us pray, brother; and standing up, he said: "Our Father... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive NOT those who trespass against us..." Hearing these words, the brother fell at the feet of the Abba and said: "I am not going to fight with my brother any more. Forgive me, Abba." The fruit of obedience Abba John the Dwarf went away to an old Theban in Scetis who lived in the desert. Once his Abba took a piece of dry wood, planted it, and said to him: Water it every day with a bottle of water until it bears fruit. The water, however, was so far away from there that John had to go out late in the evening and come back the next morning. Three years later, the tree came to life and bore fruit. Then Abba took some of the fruit and brought it to the church, and said to the brothers: Take and eat the fruit of obedience!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Gary On Gun Rights In America
Everyday in every country in the world someone is murdered. It might be at the hands of a government bomb. A soldiers gun, or a civilians rifle.This happens where guns are legal, or illegal. It never seems to matter what the laws of a given place are. Someone decides that killing is ok and takes another life. For centuries man has been killing man. Every religious book ever written details how it is wrong to take life yet always seems to find an excuse for circumstances where killing is ok. From an infidel to a religious crusader, murder in the name of MY GOD is ok. History is replete with those who have risen to power, used weapons of mass destruction to eradicate the invader,the infidel,the immoral,the group which doesn't see things my way. From Hitler to George Bush, war is ok because someone else is trying to kill us. Or will try. When America was founded as a country no one really cared for many years. Suddenly England realized that this large continent had wealth. Massive resources, which were being reaped by some. So as is typical, taxes were assigned to those who seemed to profit. Even though the work and toil was not theirs someone decided that they deserved payment. So there was a revolt and as is typical soldiers were dispatched to "control" those who refused to bow down to a "higher" power. America was born out of a simple ideal. That each man has God given rights. That freedom at an individual level was a "Right" not a gift for a few.
Yesterday America, land of the free, in an effort to preserve "individual freedom" dropped bombs on a hospital. A place dedicated to helping the sick and wounded. This happens in every "war". Sometimes I am sure by genuine accident, but many times on purpose. There is never accountability for these accidents. It is as if magically because I did it-it's ok. Oops accidents happen.
There will always be a dictator, a Monarch, or even a democratically elected president who decides to declare war because I am the moral compass for my society. I will protect my people-at the point of a gun or bomb.
When our constitution was written gun rights were written in for just this reason. Because there is always someone who will use there guns and bombs to take what is not theirs, will harm for oil, or property, or airspace rights, or simply beacuse they do not like you. The "RIGHT" to defend ones personal space was made law.
People say oh my government will never attack it's own people. Yet when you look at history you find this is far from the truth. From a historical perspective it is far more likely that the opposite is true. The Hitlers of the world always seem to start small, then find some GOD given right to attack there own people.
No one can ever keep everyone safe, no one can promise you an environment without harm. This is just a simple truth. An unarmed populas might be safer for awhile, but suddenly a man with a mission appears and that population is no longer safe. I personally have faced several men with guns, or knives, or a "stun gun" who decided that my property or that of others "belonged" to them, because they held a gun. When I produced a gun, they ran. Realizing that suddenly the tables were turned and their Advantage was no longer valid.
A man can use morality, Ideals, Good Sense even to disarm a populace. His personal intentions are probably good. But lets the look at that man. Will he then use bombs or weapons of destruction later to enforce his countries will, or morality. History shows this to be true. Even the "Morally Right" kill. Would the government have backed down at the Bundy ranch if no one had been armed?-Doubtful.
The issue with gun rights isn't that people will be safer without them. The obvious is that without weapons people can't hurt others. The not so obvious is that when no one has a gun, someone who does will take what is yours or shoot you in the head. Maybe not today or tomorrow but eventually. So when someone tells you do not worry, just surrender your gun I will protect you, they are 20 miles away and you might be dead by the time they arrive. And that man who will protect you, is a man with a gun. And one day he might choose to use his gun against you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Imperial Valley College
Imperial Valley College 380 E. Aten Road
PO Box 158 Imperial, CA 92251 Phone: (760) 355-6217 Fax: (760) 355-2663
.us Workforce Development Center
Phone: (760) 355-6480
Fax: (760) 355-6172
¨ Certificates in career programs ¨ Associate in Arts
degree ¨ Associate in Science degree
¨ Workforce
Development Center
¨ Satellite One-Stop
Employment Services
¨ Small Business
Development Center
¨ Customer Service
Related pages
¨ CalWORKs
¨ One Stop Services
¨ Small Business
Development Center
As part of the California Community
College system, IVC offers educational
opportunities that can lead to
Associates degrees or program
certificates. Both college transfer and
vocational programs are offered in a
variety of subject areas. Imperial
Valley College is a valuable source for
hiring and training employees. It also
provides customized training designed
to fit an employer’s specific needs.
Courses are offered at the main
campus, and Extended Centers in
Brawley, Calexico and El Centro, and
by arrangement at the employer’s site.
IVC has an enrollment of 8,172
students (spring semester ’02) and in
2000-01 graduated 423 students with
degrees and certificates.
Employment Resources
IVC is a resource for employers and
employees as well as interns who work
for college credit. Placement assistance
offered through the IVC Workforce
Development Center includes:
¨ Job Development and Placement
¨ Work-Study
¨ Cooperative Work Experience
¨ Satellite One Stop Employment
¨ Resume Development
The College offers vocational
certificates in the following areas:
¨ Agricultural Business Management
¨ Administration of Justice
¨ Automotive Technology
¨ Computer Skills
¨ Business Office Technologies
¨ Business Management
¨ Nursing
¨ Early Childhood Education
¨ Emergency Medical Technician
¨ Environmental Technology
¨ Welding
A complete list of certificates and
majors can be found in the General
Catalog or the website.
IVC’s Small Business Development
Center is available to assist expanding,
relocating, or start-up businesses with a
wide variety of technical assistance
services as well as strategic planning.
IVC has also joined other community
colleges around the state in presenting a
comprehensive customer service-training
program. The Customer
Service Academy at IVC is designed to
enhance customer service skills and
support economic development.
Invasive Weeds In Imperial County
Imperial County Weed Management Area Weed Management Areas (WMA)s are local organizations that bring together land owners and managers (private, City, County, state, and federal) to coordinate efforts and expertise against invasive weeds. A federal agency or the agricultural commissioner normally initiates WMAs in California. WMAs are unique because they attempt to address both agricultural regulatory weeds and wildlife weeds under one local umbrella of organization. WMAs have printed weed ID/control brochures, organized the weed education events, coordinated demonstration plots, and instituted joint eradication, mapping, outreach, and other weed management projects. |
Negative effects of invasive noxious weeds Loss of wildlife habitat Reduced the livestock grazing capacity Increased soil erosion and topsoil loss Diminished water quality reduced agricultural production Reduced land value and sale potential Cost of controlling established weeds |
What are Invasive Noxious Weeds? A noxious weed is any plant that is troublesome, aggressive, intrusive detrimental, or destructive to urban areas, agriculture, or native plants and is difficult to control or eradicate.Invasive weeds also called "exotic weeds" which are not native to this area. |
Weed Watch We Need Your Help! As part of the weed management areas efforts to identify Please report finds of suspected invasive noxious weeds to: Agricultural Commissioners Office Pest Detection and Eradication Dept. Or write at: Imperial County Weed Management Area C/o Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner 150 South 9th Street El Centro Ca. 92243 |
For more information about the Imperial County Weed Management Area(ICWMA}
Or about invasive noxious weeds contact:
Imperial County Agricultural Commissioners Office
150 South 9th Street El Centro Ca. 92243
Fax 760-353-9420
Charity And Non Profits Of Imperial County
Consumer credit counseling services of San Diego and Imperial counties 370 Aurora street suite "B" EL. Centro Ca. 92243 (619) 337-2300 Fax : 337-8196 Consumer credit counseling service is a nonprofit community service dedicated to helping individuals and families find solutions to their money management problems. CCCS of San Diego and Imperial County is one of 600 nonprofit consumer credit counseling services across the country that operate under the guidelines set forth by the national foundation for consumer credit. CCCS is neither a charitable organization or lending institution,no funds are available to pay debtors obligations. We adhere to the belief that people should stand on their own feet, should use credit only when they have the ability to pay, and that if credit is extended bills should be paid regularly and promptly. However we recognize that frequently through overconfidence or a changing circumstance people become overextended with monthly payments, this often results in worry, jeopardy to their job and reputation, and sometimes even the disruption of the family unit. In such cases financial counseling may be of assistance. What specific services are offered? Money management education programs CCCS welcomes the opportunity to provide money management workshops too interested groups and organizations. Our staff is well qualified to speak on a wide variety of topics such as budgeting, establishing credit, credit use, types of credit, and teaching children and young adults about money. Please call our local office if you're interested in scheduling a presentation. This is a free community service. Individual and confidential budget credit and debt counciling Counselors review living expenses and credit obligations in an effort to give a third party assessment of the budget. Counselors will help create a plan of action to achieve the financial goals you want. Consumers with questions on credit are welcome to discuss their concerns with a counselor. All counseling is provided free of charge. Debt Management programs For individuals or families burdened by excessive debt obligations CCCS can negotiate with creditors for monthly payments to help balance out the overall budget. If we administer a debt management program for a client, the state of California mandates charging a fee totaling 6.5 percent of the amount we disperse for a client. Not to exceed $20 per month this he may be waived or reduced in hardship cases. What have we done? Consumer credit counseling service of San Diego and Imperial County was originated in 1964 and was one of the first offices in the state of California. 1989 Marked our 25th year of helping individuals and families solve their debt problems. In 1991 we counseled 6600 people and returned $5,968,720 to creditors. Our past history has been one of steady growth, and our anticipated future will continue to be the same. How are we supported? Consumer credit counseling service was founded by the financial community. Grants and donations support the free education programs, individual counseling, and the major expenses of our debt management program. Clients utilizing the debt management program contribute a share of that expence. As a nonprofit corporation we also receive non-cash support such as office supplies furniture free space to provide our services. United Way of Imperial County "Caring Hearts Build Hope" 1639 West Main Street EL. Centro California 92243 (760) 352-4535 unitedwy@brawleyonline.com Because you care, United Way of Imperial county donations support the greatest number of human and health-care services. Reaching people from all walks of life in all income groups. We are an autonomous organization run by a local board who makes all decisions regarding fund-raising and fund distribution. Our overhead remains low so that more of your donations reach people who need help. Our allocations process is an innovative endeavor involving a community of local citizens who personally visit agencies and study budgets to determine cost-effectiveness and consider the number of people helped.Did you know that? United Way of Imperial County is also an information and referral service. Anyone calling our office is directed to an agency that may be able to help. Emergency transportation funding is sponsored through our office and facilitated through the various city police departments to provide gasoline, mechanical repair, or bus transportation service, for those stranded in our valley.You have the option of designating your donation to 8501 C. 3 non-profit organization throughout the county. Your payroll deduction is completely tax-deductible as long as you list your deductions on your tax form. We act as a watchdog over your undesignated contributions to see that they are used for programs and not overhead costs. Over $72,000 of utility company assisted funds help low income citizens with emergency gas and electrical utility bills.
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