I have been up and I have been down. At one time I made lots of money, much more than I really needed. I also have been very down as I have related here before. My grand father who was a fairly wealthy man, would always shoot me little pieces of his wisdom. His main one "everything in moderation Gary" . Probably the best advise I have ever got. There were times in my life when I didn't listen to that advise, and wound up in trouble.
At one time I diagnosed OJ Simpsons car. That white Bronco that became so famous. He had it all, a beautiful wife and home in the Hollywood Hills. Today he is in prison over dumb shit, and has lost everything. Though hardly rich, today I am secure, happy, productive and free.
Some of the happiest people I have known have the least, you seldom see Buddhist monks or Catholic priests walking around frowning.
Everyday I work for others who right now, have more than I do. Yet they look to me sometimes to brighten them up, or make there day a tiny bit better. They have created so much complexity in their life, that finding happiness eludes them. They start to drink hard or do drugs and then slide into a form of oblivion that often times they never get out of. Instead of wishing you were rich, try thinking smaller. Some of the happiest times in my life were really simple, like just playing cards with my great grand mother. Or rowing an old rowboat across a lake. You do not have to be rich to be happy. Just be grateful for what you do have. And smile with the knowledge that yes, God Does Love You.