It used to be that I HAD to get in the last word. He threw monkey shit...I threw monkey shit.......and I found it inconvenient because I had to take a bath before Saturday...... now I let him have it...I don't need a bath till Sunday....LOL
Stress just seems to walk hand in hand with technology from a game install frying your windows to spending 22 days straight training your speech to text program.....winding up with dentures and it doesn't know what the hell your saying anymore.....

So it started raining so hard..
I just saw an old women floating by in a red rider using an umbrella as a sail....... 
I love the phrase serious buyer only.....
I am here for a Big Mac.... but I am not really serious.....
I am here for a Big Mac.... but I am not really serious.....

Breaking News............Flower Power United States President ..............Jonathan Moseley.
A presidential assassination attempt was made on president Mosely for lack of chrysanthemums in his desk arrangements.......Just goes to show you how no matter how well some people like you, others just want to blow your head off........
Broken Breaking News
Giddy Up :)
My parents are so right wing.....
I decided to make there day.I sent them a fake letter from Donald Trump telling them they didn't have to pay any taxes this year....