The Real question is....... I was born here, raised here, educated here, I vote here, I pay taxes here. I do not think our doors should be arbitrarily closed. But at the same time my cultural beliefs and values as a US citizen are just as valid under law as someone from a foreign country. So please do not try to ram your beliefs down my throat when you get here. That is what FREEDOM in America IS.
King Obama wrote 400 laws into the federal books and got half a million a year for 8 years..... Congress did very little.... Now King Trump is getting his chance and has already written 20 laws in 3 weeks. And congress is getting paid millions to undo what King Obama did..... And the supreme court more millions to undue what King Trump decreed. Oh and then they changed their mind....
Looking back I have realized I chose the wrong occupation.......
I could have been paid to do nothing to....Instead I am tied to this damn reality news TV position....... And they took my damn Obama Care away.....
Looking back I have realized I chose the wrong occupation.......
I could have been paid to do nothing to....Instead I am tied to this damn reality news TV position....... And they took my damn Obama Care away.....