I listened to a lady on one of the news
networks explain how her support for the new healthcare legislation was almost solely based upon moral grounds. I suppose that a lot of People feel the same way. You know the idea that it is wrong to allow some folk to go without health insurance.
They call it Obamacare. It's name after
it's most ardent backer.
Let’s look at the moralities involved
in the health care argument as it relates to Obamacare as well as Obamacare's aim, single payer government insurance.
If the point is that because health care
is something everyone needs, therefore we must all pay for it for everyone else; then I have a question. Is health care any more needed than Food? Should we all supply food to everyone else regardless of their own efforts?
You know in the Bible, the basis of the
morality for most Americans, it states that, “if anyone refuses to work, neither should he eat.” Now according to the Bible, that is moral and if someone would take their money to do the opposite, that would be immoral.
What if you have 10 people and 8 of them
did all that they could to earn a living for their family and to have money to pay the doctors who threat them, would it be moral for someone to take their gain that they acquired from hard work and pay for the other 2 lazy people? Certainly not! To think otherwise is to say that each of us own that which our neighbors have earned. This is socialism. This is redistribution of wealth.
Now not everyone who lacks something
is lazy. Some are lazy but others just made different choices. Others, like us all, are in consciously or unconsciously chosen circumstances of the moment.
Children could grow up under similar
circumstances and one chooses to be a doctor and another just want to have fun and enjoy life and chooses to work for themselves but just enough to survive comfortably. Another may want to become the largest computer manufacturer. Each may achieve their desire. Who has a right to take from the one to give to the other? There would be absolutely no moral basis for doing so unless your morals emanated from the ideals that brought about the Soviet Union or Cuba which are diametrically opposed to those of Historical Judeo-Christian Ideology.
There is a moral basis for each individual
to make an assessment of whom and when he or she must help; Knowing, at least from a biblical perspective that they are required to make those judgments.
Now most people should know by now that
in President Obama’s own words, he wants a single payer system and that the law passed is a great foundation for the same. It puts the control of the healthcare market into the hands of the Federal Government. In the law it says more than 2000 times that the Secretary of health shall do this or that.
It seeks to control what doctors get
paid, what insurance Companies get paid, who gets healthcare and under what restrictions. In fact under the new law the insurance Companies have become agents of the Federal Government. This places the Federal Government into a position to kill the insurance companies over the years. This is exactly what the President was caught saying in a video in the past.
The President has already begun to demonize
the insurance Companies and few people have the guts to correct him. The insurance Companies that he spoke about that raised their insurance rates 35 to 45% didn’t mount an effective campaign to say, “Hey the State of California dumped about 1/3 of the people that were covered by the government on us and we had to raise our rates.” Maybe they were afraid. Maybe the media just didn’t report it much. Either way, was what the president did, without telling the whole truth, moral? No. The ease with which he did it is astonishing.
Allow me to use you, MR and MS. READER
as an example:
You see people who end up at some point
in life not being able to pay for certain health care procedures and being in need of charity to pay for them. You decide to look at certain demographics and studies. You see only a certain number of people get seriously sick. You figure out the projected cost of all that care. You know that the average insurance company makes a profit between 2.2 to 4% on all money collected.
You make an offer to the general healthy
population. You might say," 35% will get some serious condition during their life. These conditions could cost 10s of thousand to some millions of dollars, therefore if you and 10,000 others pay my company a certain amount, I will guarantee that if it happens to you, we will pay for it. Now in order for our calculations to be correct, it is necessary for you to tell us the truth about your health and health history".
So as a Company over the years you pay
out millions. You make about 3% profit.
Now what if you are paying out hundreds
of thousands of dollars and find out that the person that you are paying for actually had cancer when he purchased insurance from you. The person lied to you. What do you do? To accept too much of this will destroy your business and endanger the honest people who are also paying you. What if some politician came around and demanded that instead of insurance against the possibility of something happening to your clients' health in the future, you must take all those already sick and pay their millions of dollars cost, even if they have not paid anything in? Would it be moral for the President to make like you have done something wrong if he cannot show that you have? Would it be wrong for him to force you to pay all these and not allow you to raise insurance rates enough for the extra cost? If he restricts you enough, your days as the insurer will be numbered. To stay afloat you will go along with the government which now controls you and will regulate to give even less treatment to spread the care around.
In fact, the system has you by the throat
and will have morphed into the government option with the added effect of over time putting as many of the insurance companies out of business as it chooses.
Our President therefore has been immoral
in this matter. It is not that insurance companies have never done wrong, but that he accused all and did not tell the TRUTH about preconditions and their relationship to real insurance. Insurance is made against the possibility of bad health in the future and not a welfare system that it will become. He has made others to support him in this deception. That is immoral.
Is it moral to claim that even universal
care takes care of everyone? It is moral only if the statement is true. Before we look at other immoralities that are involved with single payer and other socialist health contraptions, let’s look at the system that we still have but are moving away from.
In the Old Testament the poor were considered
the responsibility of each individual as his conscience dictated. Farmers for instance, were not to harvest the last corners of their fields but to leave that for the poor. It was kind of a safety net, which is the like model to our system before the new law started taking us away from it. Of course the people were free and also encouraged to give help to an organization or individuals as they saw fit.
This made certain that each person understood
that they only had a RIGHT to reap what they sowed and their well being was first and foremost their own responsibility. This is the modern idea of teaching people to fish as oppose to constantly feeding them and thereby harming them, which would be immoral.
In our health care system that the Obama
administration has set on a path of altering from the Old Testament model, anyone needing health care can get it. They can get it quickly.They get by and large the same treatments that the rich would receive. The treatment for cancer is the treatment for cancer.
In a single payer system or even a hybrid
system on it’s way to single payer, there will be problems that absolutely everybody should already know about. There are all sorts of documentation from countries which are trying these things. Let’s look at some and see just how moral those types of systems are.
1. Contrary to our present system where
everyone can get timely treatment, in government controlled health systems, this is not the case. In fact, we know that in the systems that exist, long lines and delayed coverage means that the health treatment is not timely. In some cases people die. They traded health care just to replace it with health insurance. Is this moral? For those people who know what is happening every where that this is tried, yes it would be immoral to wish this on anyone. Many of those who don’t know it don’t wish to know. The facts are there. Their belief in a Socialist theorical model that makes everyone equal, even if worse off, is appealing to them.
As was pointed out by By David Hogberg
in an article entitled “The Myths of Single-Payer Health Care”
“Media in foreign nations are full of
stories about people suffering while on a waiting list. In Canada, Diane Gorsuch twice had heart surgery cancelled; she suffered a fatal heart attack before her third surgery. In Great Britain, Mavis Skeet had her cancer surgery cancelled four times before her cancer was determined to have become inoperable. In Australia, eight-year-old Kyle Inglis has lost 50 percent of his hearing while waiting nearly 11 months for an operation to remove a tumor in his ear. Kyle is one of over 1,000 children waiting over 600 days for ear, nose and throat surgery in Warnbro, a suburb in Western Australia.
These are not mere anecdotes. Much
academic literature has examined the impact of waiting lists on health. A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 50 people died while on a wait list for cardiac catheterization in Ontario. A study of Swedish patients on a wait list for heart surgery found that the "risk of death increases significantly with waiting time." In a 2000 article in the journal Clinical Oncology, British researchers studying 29 lung cancer patients waiting for treatment further found that about 20 percent "of potentially curable patients became incurable on the waiting list."
In fact a friend of mine in Canada,
whose wife has been suffering from severe cancer called me from Zurich. He had to leave a serious business adventure to go back to Canada faster than he had expected. What he said was unforgettable, “I have to get herto a private doctor. Here the wait in the health system in Canada will take another 9 months and she will be dead then!” In the US, she would have been treated almost immediately.
2. Is it moral if 80% of healthcare cost
is from the 20% who need catastrophic care? These include the elderly and those with very serious conditions like cancer. These are the first to die because of the delays cause by an unnecessary system? There is no reason that this must be other than giving more power to bureaucrats and making some feel that there is an equality of treatment. To choose to inadvertently kill off the 20 percent of the very sick to make the 70% happy and save money is immoral.
The Five year survival rate for American
women with breast cancer is 83.9%. The rate in Great Britain is 69.7. The five year survival rate in American men for prostate cancer is 91.9. It is 73.7% in France and 51.1% in Great Britain. Men and women with colon cancer is 35% more likely to survive in the United States.
Morality is not as the President is known
to have said about some severely sick elderly that, “Maybe they should just take a pill.” I am not saying that the President and others know that they are wrong. I am saying that it is immoral for those that know these facts and there is no reason why they shouldn't know.
3. Is it moral to tell people we must
put everyone under this system because it will be cheaper to cover an extra 30 million more people with insurance than is covered now, without rationing? How could it logically become cheaper? How could this not cause rationing like it has everywhere else? How could anyone who know these facts live with themselves? How can they do this and leave out 15 million people that are not covered under the new law, if they believe that it is immoral to leave people uncovered?
4. All these systems, as has been shown
by various studies stifle innovations that save lives and the quality of health for all. From whom are these facts hidden? The information is publically available. Is it moral to hide your eyes and do harm in the name of doing well?
When you demonize the profit as being
a motivation for doing evil instead of good, you resign yourself to the belief that most things accomplished
are from altruism. This is never more
than a false assumption. The failure to understand this is the main reason for the failure of socialism. Even the person who believes God exist must next believe that he is a rewarder of those that seek to please him or they will do nothing of the sort.
If you take time to look at the early
history of this country, you may be surprised by the number of experiments into socialism. There were many dozens of societies of about 1600 to 2500 people or more trying varying degrees of socialism. Some went so far as to have all things in common, even the husbands and wives. That is every man was the husband of all women and every woman was the wife of all men. Most of this happened before 1850. Some of the leaders were extremely popular on both sides of the ocean BUT THEY ALL FAILED.
Most of those people, like the well meaning
people today who want single Payer, including the President, suffered from an inability to see straight. What is disconcerting is that no amount of evidence shown turns many of them from this delusion. This begs the question, is helping people the real reason that they want to do this?
For the first time in the history of
this country the Federal Government demands that you buy a commodity. This is a violation of the fundamental concept of the freedom passed on to us from the founding fathers. Yet there are those that it seeks to exempt from various sections of the mandates. These exemptions go to those who are supporters of the democrat party.
Therefore, not only are the concepts
involved fraught with immoral judgments but the result of its provisions promotes immoral dealings and effects immoral outcomes. So, if I see another person sitting still as the supporters of this legal error, spout its propaganda of being moral, I will have reason to mark that person sitting still as someone just trying to benefit from public backlash. That person certainly will not have understood the matter nor perceived the foundations of true morality.
Bill Sullivan
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EXCELLENT blog. You really put it in a way anyone can understand! | ||||
| 3/28/2010 8:36:38 PM | ||||
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Bill, this is such a well written blog I hate to comment in disagreement. but I must. The Declaration of Indepence clearly states that all men are created equal, with certain inalienable right, and included among these rights is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For some the pursuit of happiness is directly linked to their health, and to others it equals income. I have worked in the medical industry as an echocardiographer for twenty years and for many those two liberties are tied together. I have seen many lose their homes, due to a birth of a sick child. How can that be morality, when a family has no where to take their child after they have given everything they have to see them through the healing process. I also know that doctors reimbursements are already controlled by insurance companies, and doctors along with hospitals must in advance agree to accept what the insurance companies pay in order to be providers. Doctors and hospitasl are given a choice in advance. | ||||
| 3/28/2010 8:52:17 PM | ||||
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If they don't want to do business with certain insurance companies than they don't have to. When Medicare was first initiated, the medical community was starkly against it, and now most all doctors accept it. Many currently in the health care industry are solely dependent on jobs that in a sense medicare has created. And, I imagine with the addition of so many people into health care reform many new jobs will be created. Yes there are things in the bill that many will be in disagreement with, but one thing we must be in agreement with here in the United States and that is... morally, we are obligated to care for our own. We all have inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. | ||||
| 3/28/2010 9:07:09 PM | ||||
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Exec blog I agree..this healthcare will also give the IRS complete control over your bank acct. this moral....many small business owners will have to close shop due to the increase in this moral...many Demi senators were ask the day after it was signed about different items in the bill....they didn't have a clue about what was in it...but they voted for it knowing that a vast majority of the American ppl didn't want it....was that moral...and Colette is right ...we do have the right to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness......this takes our liberty away....and the persuit of happiness is just what it says the persuit...not a given right to it...the doc and hospitals will be limited to what they can charge....there will be long lines waiting and not enough ppl working so you will forfit your breaks and work on twice as many ppl in a day..I am a nurse and my hospital staff has already been cut.due to lack of state funds..12 hr shifts no will get worse. | ||||
| 3/28/2010 11:19:35 PM | ||||
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Life and death choices are made everyday. Morality is not an issue-any more than our CHOICE to go to war over and over. Doctors let some die-so that others may live-simple choice. Rangling over a system that hasn't even started yet is silly. Good or bad at this point is moot- The biggest GOOD THING no turn downs for pre existing conditions Something cancer survivors,Hotchkiss disease survivors and a million other diseases will cheer about! When your insurance drops you-because you are no longer an equitable risk-you will be happy. Something which happens everyday. Stop whining about change-its going to happen even if you don't like it. Give things a chance-then fix it if it's flawed. | ||||
Reply | 4/6/2010 10:35:01 AM | ||||
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Thanks for this blog...I too am afraid of the socialized government this administration is putting in place. | ||||
Reply | 4/18/2010 5:31:11 AM | ||||
You are really getting a lot of people reading! | ||||
Reply | 4/19/2010 10:10:22 PM | ||||
okies | ||||
Reply | 5/4/2010 10:07:39 PM | ||||
I Enjoyed reading your blog . I Dont listen to all the talk about this subject because its Confusing but your blog is well written . I Think we should take care of the elders and women with children . but the women that are taken care of should be informed not to make it a habit of having children for us to take care of. I Dont have insurance myself nor would I Ever take a goverment plan . I pay my own way and only when needed or die . lol | ||||
Reply | 6/26/2010 5:24:07 PM | ||||
Sorry Bill But When Bible meets Health Care we must address the Problem with Women having babies and dead beat Dads not taken care of their offspring . Not so much of just lazy folks ... but more with how they was raised wanting it handed to them .. lol Sorry and that was awesome if you dont work you dont eat . but women have to stay at home with the children and the deadbeats are not around. so warn her once then kick her off the free health care... had this been done we would not be in a mess. | ||||
Reply | 6/26/2010 5:58:47 PM | ||||
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MySpace Fantasy Glitter Graphics from | ||||
Reply | 6/27/2010 11:42:40 AM | ||||
Free comments | ||||
Reply | 7/18/2010 8:21:51 PM | ||||
As A Republican I Do think we should take care of Our Own !! Own Family , Not Every Tom , Dick And Harrys !! At the Rate we are going Gary Can Kiss his Social Security Good Bye . Oh What A Mess Bill !! | ||||
Reply | 8/15/2010 9:49:30 PM | ||||
Reply | 8/16/2010 7:27:00 PM | ||||
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Reply | 8/26/2010 12:39:52 PM | ||||
very well said, thank you for posting that blog | ||||
Reply | 9/13/2010 6:55:00 AM | ||||
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Reply | 9/14/2010 10:23:31 AM | ||||
I disagree with your stand and I feel your are being misled. During the Bush administration, Bush and his buddies had a little club they called 'The Top Hat Club' -- based on the top hat in the Monopoly game. They played with our economy like their own personal Monopoly game, and we had a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. Now, one thing I noticed when I played that game as a child is that once one person started winning, it was nearly impossible to turn it around. Only one person wound up with all the money, and everyone else was bankrupt. Game over! That is what happened with our country. Game over! The wealthy won! Now unless the kid who's sitting there chortling over all his paper money wants to lose all his friends, who are going home very ticked off, he has to redistribute the money and start the game over. Too bad in reality, not the game, people die when the game is over, instead of just go home and leave the greedy kid to play with his paper money alone. | ||||
Reply | 9/17/2010 10:05:34 AM | ||||
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Here's another example of how the GOP operates, and what they really think of all of us poor people. I seriously doubt that the majority of the people here on Yuwie, spending so much time trying to build pennies into dollars, qualify as wealthy by GOP standards. 'John Snow won't have to worry about his retirement. When he left the csx railroad to become George W. Bush's second treasury secretary, he took with him a $2.5 million annual pension. The figure was based on 44 years of employment at csx, never mind that Snow had been there for only 25 (during which, incidentally, he brutally cut safety and maintenance, to the point where a jury awarded a widow $50 million in punitive damages after a derailment—money paid by the taxpayers because of a little-known law that insulated Snow and his company from the costs of his egregious judgment). That kind of boost is unheard of for the rank and file, but not at all uncommon for corporate executives and owners.' May/June 2009 Mother Jone | ||||
Reply | 9/17/2010 10:26:00 AM | ||||
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Yuwiens are the family God forgot to give us |