Mine? Tree Forts And Apple Wars :)
Mitch Ackerman Having to get up to change the channel on the (black & white) TV.
Renee Caton Red Rover, Goodnight John Boy, Captain Cave man, Grape ape, Tidy bowl man.
Julie DeVries · Friends with Darrell Ray Golliher Sr.
Rotary telephone, and only one handset in the house, and it was in the kitchen.
Michael Williams · Friends with John Boggan
As a kid, wearing copius amounts of clothes in the summer, to muffle the effects of the pellet gun fights we had with all the neighborhood kids.
Tammy Payton · Friends with Renee Caton
Twisted phone cords that limited privacy from kitchen wall phone.
Wendy Cannella · Friends with Donna Harrison
walking to the store and buying bread for .35 cents, milk and cloth diaper service delivery to the house
Jackie Seckman · Friends with Jan Schray
Actually writing a letter, waiting for the Helms bakery truck, listening for the test air raid horns (first Friday of the month), the milk man, walking into Sears smelling fresh popped popcorn, going with my mother to the catalog pick up dept., Blue Stamps, Green Stamps, milk money for school.
Lynn Conway · Friends with Pegi Smith and 1 other
The Teddy Bears Picnic show on the radio
Jeanne Gatlin Riding on the back of a station wagon, going over the railroad tracks and bouncing, holding on for life!, going to the swimming pool in town.....I can still smell that pool although closed for any years. Just close my eyes, smell it, and hear Marvin Gaye's song....When A Man Loves A Woman!
Lois Lenning Riding our bikes 9 miles to the Palace movie theater, in the afternoon, never had to lock bike up.
Marie Stewart Eating cherries all summer. Climbing the cherry tree even tho I was afraid of heights!
Margaret Tierney Having to move out of our because of floods on the 8th of December 1954 and the joy of moving back 2 days before Christmas
🎄 day

Sandy J. Hopkins Niedo riding bikes with my friends just hanging in the summertime outside on the grass
Trevor Booker Boarding school