Natalie Musaphia or na:mu
:) was kind enough to take on a topic I suggested to her from a meme she had created. I love her verve and love of life. And one of the grandest smiles I have ever seen.

In my way of thinking, you give in some way every day. If you work your giving to your company and boss. At home your fixing or taking care of something or someone. But the giving which goes beyond the normal is always what jazzes the spirit. A donation, an act of kindness to a stranger. A $5 to someone homeless, a day at a place of charity donating ones time to better mankind. These are the acts which make the world a better place.
They can make you feel better about yourself. And they can make God smile. So give freely, of your time and energy. More than just one benefits.-Gary
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They can make you feel better about yourself. And they can make God smile. So give freely, of your time and energy. More than just one benefits.-Gary