I could never imagine George Bush going to a war zone. I think that being presented a purple heart in the middle of a war zone by a president would be an intense memory. And it says a great deal about Obamas bravery and dedication as commander in chief. Because the economy is falling. And a congress has shifted, his work will be even more difficult. I still think he will rise to the occasion.
And Sarah Palin?, saying 'We gotta stand with our North Korean allies'
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/11/24/2010-11-24_sarah_palin_on_glenn_becks_radio_show_we_gotta_stand_with_our_north_korean_allie.html#ixzz177TdxclyNorth Korea an allies on radio?-
Obama stayed on this U.S. military base, the headquarters of the 101st Airborne Division, the entire time he was here, just under four hours. He huddled with U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan and U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry. And he visited wounded soldiers at a base hospital, personally dispensing five Purple Hearts to wounded service members.