What always constantly astounds me here in the home of the brave and land of the free is how many "normal" people resort to "petty theft", even though they have plenty of money to afford what they want or need.
Mentally I start feeling like most people are just grubby trash which should be locked away.
Don't get me wrong, these people are not "BAD" people. But they seem to have it in there head that what they are doing doesn't hurt anyone. This could not be further from the truth.
Prices have to be increased to cover the cost of your "free merchandise". Employees start becoming jaded about how creepy people can be and lose interest in trying to do there jobs well. Many business's wind up going under-and then neighborhoods no longer have markets for those who must walk or are disabled. Business relies on people to be honest to stay alive-when you resort to theft "YOU" destroy the system. Then when your job disappears-YOU KNOW WHO HELPED CAUSE IT.
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Wealthy Thieves And Shoplifters You Know |
So please treat your corner markets and retail establishments with the respect they are owed, you might save someones livelihood.