Thousands of animals dying around the World
Birds Dying Italy, Birds Fall From Sky,Birds Falling From Sky,
Birds Falling From Sky Italy, Dead Birds,
Dead Birds Fall From Sky, Dead Birds Italy,
Dead Doves, Dying Birds, Mass Animal Deaths, Green News
Birds Falling From Sky Italy, Dead Birds,
Dead Birds Fall From Sky, Dead Birds Italy,
Dead Doves, Dying Birds, Mass Animal Deaths, Green News
turtle doves were found scattered in the streets, in flower beds
and hanging tragically from trees "like Christmas balls"
in the town of Faenza.
In the past week, similar incidents of mass
animal deaths have been reported across the world.
Thousands of dead birds fell from the sky in Arkansas on New Year's Eve,
Two million fish were discovered dead in Maryland,
with other fish kills also reported in Brazil, New Zealand and Arkansas
crabs washed up on England beaches in the past few days,
as well. While the events are likely unrelated, most still remain a mystery.
Officials suggest fireworks are likely responsible for many of the bird
GeaPress suggests that the blue stains found in mouths
in Italy could be the result of poisoning or possibly signs of hypoxia.
Both the local forest service and the WWF in Faenza have sent some
of the dead birds for testing,
though the results likely won't be available for at least a week.
Visit to see the shocking photos of the dead turtle doves.
more from Huffington Post bloggers:

Rossi: Traveling To (And Through)
The Heart of Italy (PHOTOS)
more from Huffington Post bloggers:
The recent fall from the sky of thousands
of dead birds appears to be a disturbing
development. However, incidents of unexpected
substances falling from the sky have a long, long history.
of dead birds appears to be a disturbing
development. However, incidents of unexpected
substances falling from the sky have a long, long history.
Father James Martin, S.J.,
discusses some possible explanations for
mass animal
deaths as well as what the bible says about the end times.
discusses some possible explanations for
mass animal
deaths as well as what the bible says about the end times.
Rossi: Traveling To (And Through)
The Heart of Italy (PHOTOS)
Over 40 million tourists travel to Italy every year,
making it the fith most visited country in the world. The capital Rome
is by far...
The world is going through a crisis. Although most governments
have pledged themselves to help develop a peaceful,
sustainable and socially just world, still we seem to
be going in the opposite direction.
Climate scientists have been warning that we are about
to cross the tipping point,
yet deforestation and environmental degradation continue
It is almost as if humankind has been gripped by a
collective death-wish.
Though this is a time of great danger, fortunately
it is also a time of great opportunity.
Today, we have the knowledge and resources to create
a peaceful and vibrant world.
A sustainable global system is not an option, it is the
requirement if we are to survive as a species.
We need to change our global system because the present
system itself is the problem.
A system designed to promote endless growth through mindless
consumption is like a cancer
that will ultimately consume humanity. If the present
trends continue, growing shortages of water,
food and energy will collapse the global economy.
We need a systemic transformation because a consumer
cannot evolve into a conserver society without structural
Climate Change